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Thursday 31 January 2013

Books 2013: Gabriel's angel

Sometimes I have no idea what makes me pick up a book from the library shelves and take it home. The other day I suddenly found myself holding Mark A. Radcliffe's Gabriel's Angel in my hand. And without any idea what it was all about, I started reading. I must say I was quite surprised when it turned out that the angel in question was an "actual" angel, you know, the ones that hang around in Heaven. For a second I worried that this was one of those religious novels, but soon found out it wasn't. Phew! The plot is simple enough. Gabriel has an accident and ends up in a coma. He "wakes" to find himself in therapy, which aims to find out if he is to be allowed to go to heaven or not.

If this sounds too silly to you, don't read the book. But if you don't mind certain detours from reality, I promise you an entertaining read. I enjoyed it so much, I sacrificed several hours of precious sleep and stayed up half the night to finish it and find out what happened in the end. Absolutely worth it.

Radcliffe, Mark A.(2010). Gabriel's Angel. Hebden Bridge, Bluemoose Books.

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