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Monday 30 December 2013

Books 2013: Levels of life

Documenting all the books I read in 2013 turned out to be more difficult than I thought. Suddenly time flew and I was to busy to write about the books. And some were forgotten for other, mystical reasons. Better luck in 2014, is all I can say.

When going through my Kindle titles the other day, I realized that I've completely forgotten to include Julian Barnes' Levels of Life in my 2013 reading list. Julian Barnes is one of my favourite contemporary authors. There is something light and refershing about his writing. I can't quite explain it, but I find him a joy to read.

This is in a way not a typical Barnes book. It has three stories, one about photography 19th century photographer Nadar), one about ballooning, love and Sarah Berhardt and one about Barnes' own grief after losing his wife. It's been a few months now since I read it, so the detailes of the stories are lost to me. What I do remember is that I liked reading it. As always, when it comes to Barnes.

Barnes, Julian (2013): Levels of life. Cape, 2013.

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